Sunday, December 23, 2012

Happy Mother's Day !

         I usually inserted the general words to begin posting in this blog such a "hi..... still in the same room" but no, I prefer write "in my room" why ? yaps because I write this post in my real room, real bedroom, I'm at home dude ! hi.....

       The college has been giving us for 2 weeks to refresh our mind before the exam comes, what a relief ! (for some people). from 2 weeks, I will use my one week to spend my holiday at Home, Serang, Banten. Yeayness !
wait..... I almost forget for looking at my calender, you know I have no any calender at my kost. From my cellphone I know, it's 22nd on december, Happy mother's day everyone ! For my mom especially. so happy because I meet her to give a little kiss in her cheek and a big hug :D

          Thank God, you give a Hero in my life, she is my mom, mom who always protects me from dangerous, she's becoming my friend when I need her, she always there when I need her, she always accompany me untill my age now and she always give support to me :")

              God, don't let her crying for hurt, let her crying proudly to see her children in future, always give her healthy, long life and prosper :")

              Happy mother's day mom ! perhaps I can't give anything for you, but I always pray to God in order He give his bless for you :D

              I love you mom, I do and always will <3

From your Husband and your Childrens XOXO.....

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Cartoon is Real, sometimes.....

                  Have you ever watched Seahorse episode in Spongebob Squarepants the series ? I would like to remind you about it. In a sunday morning, spongebob walked to his field. He found a flowers blossom beautifully. He flushed it slowly. but when he left to take a look his behind, something came to him and he found a big-green seahorse. in that time, he was scares for a while. but he considered to make that seahorse felt comfortable in his close by. 

                 He wished that seahorse to be his own. he really-really wanted, no matter what. and he was trying with his capability to have it. finally, he got what he wanted and all flowers suddenly fall to land. How happy he is!

              One day, he brought his pet to Krusty Krab because spongebob working as a chef in that restaurant. he introduced his pet to another employees. But Mr Krab doesn't like that seahorse anymore, spongebob was sad. Mr Krab order him to throw away that seahorse, but spongebob won't. He asked Mr Krab to give him one more chance and prove that The Seahorse would never disturb anything, but the situation is getting uncontrolably. The Seahorse ate anything in the kitchen and made the kitchen disarray. spongebob confused. He tried to hide what just happened in that day. one day, the seahorse was getting sick. Then, Mr Krab came. He gave some advice that he should let it go because the seahorse could not survive in this environment. 

               Mr Krab said "The best way to make it feel better and happy is Let them go". Spongebob was crying loudly utill his eyedrops flooding the land. 

                 Could you imagine how sad he is ? but it's gonna be the best way he should do even the Seahorse and he never ever want.


Saturday, November 17, 2012

Let's go to the beach, each let's go get away .....

hello readers, Im back to tell one of several experience I've ever had in this town. two weeks ago we went to the beach for short holiday. I’d like to share what and my friends did in the short holiday..... yeah we went to the beach ! one of most favourite place to visit in Jogjakarta. We went to Baron beach and Pok tunggal beach. You know ? Pok tunggal beach is the newest beach in Jogjakarta. So excited to see them :D we started from FTP at 7 a.m and arrived at about 9 a.m. we went there by motorcycle. As you saw us, we such a swarm people riding the motorcycle. When we got there at pok tunggal beach, the track is so grave. It show that this beach is really-really I took some photos :D

so much fun ! thank you guys, really excited to follow next tour, Semarang is the next place to visit :D


Thursday, November 15, 2012

Hello ..... Happy heroes day ..... happy 2nd anniversarry .....

happy heroes day everyone ! I don't know that day details (you know I got bad score on my history lesson ) but I just know that heroes day is always commemorated on 10 November. What can you give to your country on your age now ? achievement ? applause ? Im sorry but I didn't both of them. perhaps we can give it someday and insya Allah Im in the right way, in a proccess to prove that this country are proud to have me someday hehe..... by the way Im forget to introduce my girlfriend to you, her name is Noviani Khusnul Khotimah, she's beautiful and pretty cute :p. we made a relationship since 10 september 2012, and you know this day is our 2nd anniversarry hehe.

say cheese !

She really like green ! the snake in the middle of the cake. pretty cute, no ?

gifts :")

the photos you see is a gift from me to her on her birthday at 25 september 2012. I gave suprised to her on the middle of the night hehe hope you like it bebs :")
once more happy heroes day and happy second anniversarry dear :")
P.S I know its 15 november on calender, but ups yaps Im really late to post this -___- forgive me :p

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Not as easy as Mario Teguh's quotes

still in the same room,  I post on my blog after along long day I didn't. this room still accompany me when I want to lay on my bed. I want to post something but just ignore if you still have another activity outside. I don't know why but in this day I just want to let my self ..... my self ..... ah ! I better go outside :"
I have so many trouble in my life, mario teguh always said that "calm down, everything gonna be alright" and words from 3 idiot movie "All is well" but dude, it seems like so easy to apply in real life, but in fact, it so really - really hard, no ? 

Sunday, September 2, 2012


Idk  I always forget to post this tittle. Thank you to you who reminds me that so long time I want post this. This post comes when I was talking with my friends in a night when we got a dinner. I forgot how this conversation became a serious case. Perhaps you don’t know that I talked with people who always not serious. We talked about what happened in our life. There are kind of peoples with kind of characters. Its the reason why we are created different by our God. In life we don’t really know how lucky we are if we do not see around us. This, I called reflection. Just thank to your god if you feel lucky, just pray to your god if you want your lucky stay with you. I just knowing how reality is bitter. People come to this place with various background in their life. My friend tells me that he talked with another person seriously. You know ? they both always make a joke if I talked with them, they never talked seriously. But it doesn’t matter how they look likes in my eyes. I just shocked that they can talking so serious. Just thank to your God on what happened everyday, Keep your spirit up and Do what you wanna do! and now, I know that people who always make a joke,  they are actually the most serious in talking :”)

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Taman Pelangi

Yogyakarta is the exhaustive city. Your eyes might be pempered by what in it. So many places I want to visit but it will takes along time. This story begin inadvertently. Yunus texted me to invite me to hunt some photos in night. So we need camera to support his plan. Finally we decided to call Pandu in order he bring his camera :p. After all we choose one place as the destination. That is Taman Pelangi Yogyakarta. Taman Pelangi located in Monjali. You know ? Almost one year I'm living in this city but I just knew that the words "monjali" is abbreviation from "Monumen Jogja Kembali" -___- pathetic. or..... you just knew too after read my post ? Admit it don't be afraid ! haha
actually we came to this place just wanted to take some photos, but in the other side, we also learned how to be a photographer.  This is some photos taken by me :)

Pandu Yudha Prawira as a Model. I took this when he played his phone. It's not bad, no ?

Achmad Rizky Yunus as a Model. I took this quietly. If you notice all the things in that picture, is it has a good blend ?

Both of them smile naturaly. hehe

Achmad Rizky Yunus as a Model. I took him when he smile to Pandu. He is normal absolutely haha :D

it's me !

that is only several of hundred photos in my folder. pfffffth haha. Being amateur photographer is my experience. Need a technic to take good angel. thank you yunus and pandu who teach me how to operate the DSLR hehe :D. By the way Taman Pelangi is one of beautiful place for you who want to hunt some photos. especially if you bring your boy/girlfriend, haha just ignore the last sentence. so recommended to visit this place dude, Jogja is never ending asia :D.

I'd really loved to share all photos, but the connection is so inconvenience -___- .
enjoy my blog and wait for another posts ya :D


Can I stop the time ? 
Let everybody quiescent and let my self growing up alone ?
If you know someone who sell the time machine, 
call me whenever I am.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Special Gift From Besties B)

Shock to watch this video ! ahaha thank you to Vita, Hani, Indra, Angga :D speechless haha, but this is special gift for me, Im in Jogjakarta, they're in Serang, the distance can't separate us ! we'll meet soon besties :*

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Happy Birthday To me !!!!!

Assalamualaikum readers, 19 years ago, God created me perfectly. eventhough nobody is perfect. I just can't realized that the time goes  faster. You know I'm 19th now ! yeah I'm getting older guys.  But it doesn't matter how you getting older, but it's all about how you can thankful to your God on what his done. I'm so thankful to Allah SWT cause him, I can breath in my age now. Allah granted my pray. So much utterance come to me in this day, you know ? I'm so happy guys. They're remember my birth even they using facebook to remain my birth haha. but it's okay :D . So many utterance in my socmed such a facebook, twitter, even BBM ! You know I'm not bb user -___- . I took this from my friend's gadget....


haha thank you my friends for your wish, so fun to read your wish for me. Hope Allah will grant our pray ! amin ya robbal alamin :D. I'm always pray to god simply, hope in this 19th birthday, Allah give me lucky in my life, prosper and all my pray granted. amin ya robbal alamin. once more, happy birthday to me !
more stories and photos to come.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

One Thing That I Want To Make it Clearer

Hello readers, in my small room, I always think that why I can study in Jogja and take this majoring that actually I don’t know specifically. You know I’m taking Agricultural and Biosystem Engineering for my majoring. It’s been along story if you want to know why I choose this majoring. For short story, I choose it just because I want to lecture in UGM. Perhaps you think that it is a silly reason, no ? for me, this is serious reason, literally. maybe if you hear  this word “Agriculture” you might think this is ridiculous, bad and others.  Sometimes if I hear people who say that with negative thinking, I really-really want to kill them and throw them to hell ! hahahahahahahhaa *evil laugh*

Because of that, I want to make it clearly about agriculture.  It so weird if you never hear about agriculture. You know that Indonesia is the country based agriculture right ? So this country need knowledge about agriculture. You can take the knowledge from this major. The major need man to be applied in around us. So, the country need man like us to applied our knowlede to be applied in around us so that we can help the governor to change this country better, especially for food.

As a man who don’t hypocrite, I’m also felt like them. I felt unconfident and thinking that this major can’t bring me to what I want in the future. But hey, You are Not Alone guys, you have friends that can make you get your spirit up ! they always there when you feel happy and sad. Friends are everything for me. Some of you perhaps thinking about job, for me, just trying to focus on what you learn now and you will get the imagine what the job that suitable with you.

I’m absolutely know that each major has excess, right ?

I don't make this major special in your eyes, I just want you to know that this major has quality. That’s it !
So do not get down on what you get now, you must keep your chin up and bring your foot to the bright future. Don’t forget to always pray and effort and also don’t forget to say thanks to your God :”)

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Friday 13 th.

F*ck !
I can't decribe it clearly.
Faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaak !!!!!

Friday, July 13, 2012

A Good Words In Suitable Condition :")

"When you know why you like someone, it's a crush. 
When you have no reason or explanation, it's love." 

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Fuckin Short Term.....

When another student go home and troop with their family.....
When another student go to their favorite place to have vacation.....
I'm stay here, Jogjakarta. You know I'm on the activity that I don't wanna do, SHORT TERM !
Actually I can't blame short term at all, it just because my self can't do the test maximally. How poor !
Regret always come last.
Fortunately I'm not alone dude. I have so many friends that following short term too hehe :D
So just enjoy this short term and bless me ya :")
Hoping  my score will increase well.

Thinking about Girls at 11 am.....

A girl beautiful if they wear veil (not at all).....
A girl be judged good if they good to other.....
A girl sexy if they wear suitable clothes.....
A girl polite if they smile to other.....
A girl smart if they can solve the problem calmly.....

A Small Letter To God.....

Dear laptop, here I sitting in front of you, wearing a pajama, and untold words in my mind. This morning is so cold outside, as ussually. Yogyakarta shows you how the environment embracing you warmly, even the temperature cold, you know what I mean, no ?

"Thanks God, you still give me healthy, long life, and so many luck that maybe I'm not realized before".

By the way, almost one year I live in this town.
this town is completely cool. it has Great University (Universitas Gadjah Mada), Great Faculty (Faculty of Angricultural Technology), Great Majoring (Agricultural and Biosystem Engineering), Great Room (My room), Great Friends (All my friends) and many more. They change my life amazingly. I feel so lucky, God.
They give me some experience to be applied in my daily life.

"Once more, Thanks God, I'm so lucky to have them in my daily life".

People walk, people do, people talk, people reaching their dream, people making friend with other.
it need process. I did it, emmm maybe all people did it everyday. So we should thankful to our God.

"Once more, Thanks God, I did it with your permission".

Adele - One and Only

You've been on my mind, I grow fonder every dayLose myself in time just thinking of your faceGod only knows why it's taken me so long to let my doubts goYou're the only one that I want
I don't know why I'm scared, I've been here beforeEvery feeling, every word, I've imagined it allYou'll never know if you never tryTo forget your past and simply be mine
I dare you to let me be your, your one and onlyPromise I'm worthy to hold in your armsSo come on and give me a chanceTo prove I am the one who can walk that mileUntil the end starts
If I've been on your mind, you hang on every word I sayLose yourself in time at the mention of my nameWill I ever know how it feels to hold you closeAnd have you tell me whichever road I choose you'll go
I don't know why I'm scared 'cause I've been here beforeEvery feeling, every word, I've imagined it allYou'll never know if you never tryTo forget your past and simply be mine
I dare you to let me be your, your one and onlyPromise I'm worthy to hold in your armsSo come on and give me a chanceTo prove I am the one who can walk that mileUntil the end starts
I know it ain't easy giving up your heartI know it ain't easy giving up your heart
Nobody's perfect(I know it ain't easy giving up your heart)Trust me, I've learned itNobody's perfect(I know it ain't easy giving up your heart)Trust me, I've learned it
Nobody's perfect(I know it ain't easy giving up your heart)Trust me, I've learned itNobody's perfect(I know it ain't easy giving up your heart)Trust me I've learned it
So I dare you to let me be your, your one and onlyI promise I'm worthy to hold in your armsSo come on and give me a chanceTo prove I am the one who can walk that mileUntil the end starts
Come on and give me a chanceTo prove I am the one who can walk that mileUntil the end starts
Source :")

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Yogyakarta is a beautiful city, isn't it ? :")

Monday, May 7, 2012

I miss my past.....

perhaps you, me and them feel the same in this time, yes I miss my past. Maybe you think that college is more pleasure than high school. It's wrong ! high school is the most happier part of my life.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

it's almost one year I survived in this city, I felt amazing sometimes I felt ..... I can't describe it, only God and me who knows.


hello LEO ! assalamualaikum hehe it's been along time I did'nt open this blog its almost one year ! LOL im sorry for this buddy. I almost forgot my email and blog's password. I saved it in my old handphone in my home, Serang, as you know I live in Yogyakarta for college rite now. How I love this city so much ! dunno why since I come here I fall in love with this city because this is a wonderful and special country *playing ungu's song - Jogja Istimewa*. I already visiting so many place in here such as Malioboro and other. here some photos taken by me and my friends.

is that cool dude ? haha thanks for your compliment guys *narsis mode ON :p* oyeeah almost forget to tell you how me and my friends going to malioboro. it's Saturday afternoon guys, we're not doing anything in our room. Indra (in center of last photo) wanted to repair his badminton racket in a sport store in Malioboro. so me and Andreas accompanied him to there. as I said before, it'ssaturday afternoon, soooo hot outside but we just go there without any jacket nor umbrella LOL. Do you see a weird part of that photos ? yap ! we wear a shirt in hot saturday haha but, is that unyu and compact ? isn't it ? :p