Sunday, December 23, 2012

Happy Mother's Day !

         I usually inserted the general words to begin posting in this blog such a "hi..... still in the same room" but no, I prefer write "in my room" why ? yaps because I write this post in my real room, real bedroom, I'm at home dude ! hi.....

       The college has been giving us for 2 weeks to refresh our mind before the exam comes, what a relief ! (for some people). from 2 weeks, I will use my one week to spend my holiday at Home, Serang, Banten. Yeayness !
wait..... I almost forget for looking at my calender, you know I have no any calender at my kost. From my cellphone I know, it's 22nd on december, Happy mother's day everyone ! For my mom especially. so happy because I meet her to give a little kiss in her cheek and a big hug :D

          Thank God, you give a Hero in my life, she is my mom, mom who always protects me from dangerous, she's becoming my friend when I need her, she always there when I need her, she always accompany me untill my age now and she always give support to me :")

              God, don't let her crying for hurt, let her crying proudly to see her children in future, always give her healthy, long life and prosper :")

              Happy mother's day mom ! perhaps I can't give anything for you, but I always pray to God in order He give his bless for you :D

              I love you mom, I do and always will <3

From your Husband and your Childrens XOXO.....

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