Sunday, September 2, 2012


Idk  I always forget to post this tittle. Thank you to you who reminds me that so long time I want post this. This post comes when I was talking with my friends in a night when we got a dinner. I forgot how this conversation became a serious case. Perhaps you don’t know that I talked with people who always not serious. We talked about what happened in our life. There are kind of peoples with kind of characters. Its the reason why we are created different by our God. In life we don’t really know how lucky we are if we do not see around us. This, I called reflection. Just thank to your god if you feel lucky, just pray to your god if you want your lucky stay with you. I just knowing how reality is bitter. People come to this place with various background in their life. My friend tells me that he talked with another person seriously. You know ? they both always make a joke if I talked with them, they never talked seriously. But it doesn’t matter how they look likes in my eyes. I just shocked that they can talking so serious. Just thank to your God on what happened everyday, Keep your spirit up and Do what you wanna do! and now, I know that people who always make a joke,  they are actually the most serious in talking :”)