Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Taman Pelangi

Yogyakarta is the exhaustive city. Your eyes might be pempered by what in it. So many places I want to visit but it will takes along time. This story begin inadvertently. Yunus texted me to invite me to hunt some photos in night. So we need camera to support his plan. Finally we decided to call Pandu in order he bring his camera :p. After all we choose one place as the destination. That is Taman Pelangi Yogyakarta. Taman Pelangi located in Monjali. You know ? Almost one year I'm living in this city but I just knew that the words "monjali" is abbreviation from "Monumen Jogja Kembali" -___- pathetic. or..... you just knew too after read my post ? Admit it don't be afraid ! haha
actually we came to this place just wanted to take some photos, but in the other side, we also learned how to be a photographer.  This is some photos taken by me :)

Pandu Yudha Prawira as a Model. I took this when he played his phone. It's not bad, no ?

Achmad Rizky Yunus as a Model. I took this quietly. If you notice all the things in that picture, is it has a good blend ?

Both of them smile naturaly. hehe

Achmad Rizky Yunus as a Model. I took him when he smile to Pandu. He is normal absolutely haha :D

it's me !

that is only several of hundred photos in my folder. pfffffth haha. Being amateur photographer is my experience. Need a technic to take good angel. thank you yunus and pandu who teach me how to operate the DSLR hehe :D. By the way Taman Pelangi is one of beautiful place for you who want to hunt some photos. especially if you bring your boy/girlfriend, haha just ignore the last sentence. so recommended to visit this place dude, Jogja is never ending asia :D.

I'd really loved to share all photos, but the connection is so inconvenience -___- .
enjoy my blog and wait for another posts ya :D