Wednesday, August 8, 2012

One Thing That I Want To Make it Clearer

Hello readers, in my small room, I always think that why I can study in Jogja and take this majoring that actually I don’t know specifically. You know I’m taking Agricultural and Biosystem Engineering for my majoring. It’s been along story if you want to know why I choose this majoring. For short story, I choose it just because I want to lecture in UGM. Perhaps you think that it is a silly reason, no ? for me, this is serious reason, literally. maybe if you hear  this word “Agriculture” you might think this is ridiculous, bad and others.  Sometimes if I hear people who say that with negative thinking, I really-really want to kill them and throw them to hell ! hahahahahahahhaa *evil laugh*

Because of that, I want to make it clearly about agriculture.  It so weird if you never hear about agriculture. You know that Indonesia is the country based agriculture right ? So this country need knowledge about agriculture. You can take the knowledge from this major. The major need man to be applied in around us. So, the country need man like us to applied our knowlede to be applied in around us so that we can help the governor to change this country better, especially for food.

As a man who don’t hypocrite, I’m also felt like them. I felt unconfident and thinking that this major can’t bring me to what I want in the future. But hey, You are Not Alone guys, you have friends that can make you get your spirit up ! they always there when you feel happy and sad. Friends are everything for me. Some of you perhaps thinking about job, for me, just trying to focus on what you learn now and you will get the imagine what the job that suitable with you.

I’m absolutely know that each major has excess, right ?

I don't make this major special in your eyes, I just want you to know that this major has quality. That’s it !
So do not get down on what you get now, you must keep your chin up and bring your foot to the bright future. Don’t forget to always pray and effort and also don’t forget to say thanks to your God :”)