Saturday, May 5, 2012


hello LEO ! assalamualaikum hehe it's been along time I did'nt open this blog its almost one year ! LOL im sorry for this buddy. I almost forgot my email and blog's password. I saved it in my old handphone in my home, Serang, as you know I live in Yogyakarta for college rite now. How I love this city so much ! dunno why since I come here I fall in love with this city because this is a wonderful and special country *playing ungu's song - Jogja Istimewa*. I already visiting so many place in here such as Malioboro and other. here some photos taken by me and my friends.

is that cool dude ? haha thanks for your compliment guys *narsis mode ON :p* oyeeah almost forget to tell you how me and my friends going to malioboro. it's Saturday afternoon guys, we're not doing anything in our room. Indra (in center of last photo) wanted to repair his badminton racket in a sport store in Malioboro. so me and Andreas accompanied him to there. as I said before, it'ssaturday afternoon, soooo hot outside but we just go there without any jacket nor umbrella LOL. Do you see a weird part of that photos ? yap ! we wear a shirt in hot saturday haha but, is that unyu and compact ? isn't it ? :p

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