Asaalamualaikum warrahmatullahiwabarakatuh .
Hey guys, I wanna tell you about my ‘freak’ story . haha . If you read this post , this post is different than other post, why ? haha you know, I wrote on English !
To make it short, I wanna tell you about KANG NONG KOTA SERANG .
Okay ! Read this post slowly .
Last month I’m follow auditions of kang nong kota Serang, actually I don’t wanna follow it, but my teacher come to my class and order me to follow it . Finally I follow it with all my schoolmate. Actually I had ever follow that audition on KANG NONG 1 on 2009 . But I’m failed guys . Because of that I wanna try again to follow it . I don’t know why, I’m so nervous to follow this second audition . Errrrrrr . Before audition, my friend and I often collected on my school to talking about material for the audition, that material was given by Sodikin (Finalist of KN 1) . he gave us all his material when he quarantine. Thanks a lot Dikin !
Sunday, May 16th 2010
Oh Gosh ! that day Comes ! yap AUDITION OF KANG NONG KOTA SERANG . I’m so nervous guys . I come to audition place with my friend by motorcycle, but he not feel nervous . he is so ready to follow that . but me ? No ! I’m not ready . I’m enter to that place . and I’m forget to prepare my talent ! OH GOSH ! I’m panic . okay I have an idea . but ? whats my talent ! okay, I decided to read a poem (sounds ridiculous) . I searching that poem in my handphone in internet . but what that poem ? I choose chairil anwar’s poem the tittle is Diponegoro . okay, on 9 a.m, the audition was began, the first audition is written test , there were 100 number, 50 number about culture, administration, custom, knowledge . and 50 number about English grammar . By saying bismillahirrahmanirrahim, I started to do my test, I can answer number 1 – 30 , but next ? I’m give up !! it’s really difficult guys . when I do my test about English, suddenly the rain was fall . we moved to another side automatically . and of course, our clothes is wet ! errgh and my test paper is wet too. But Alhamdulillah, I can answer this completely . after the written test, it’s time to interview . there are 5 judge in some room . and we must come to that room one by one . I don’t know why, my friend and I’m so lazy to do this second test, we make a deal to do this after dhuhur . after we doing prayer at mosque, we start to do this second test . Firstly, I come to room 2 about tourism, the interviewr is Mr. Toto , he is so friendly with other and hhe asked me what is the tourism place in Serang city ? please answer this in 1 minute . and Alhamdulillah I can answer that question by on time . and next I’m waited in a chair , I want come to room 4, about administration . the interviewer is Mr. Bembela he is so horror ! hahaha, just kidding, he is so politis . and I CAN’T ANSWER HIS QUESTION ! he asked me “are you agree if TPS Cilowong placed in high plain ?” I don’t know, and I just answer “yes I’m agree and blablabla . I’m forget what I said . ahahahahaha . and next I must wait again to enter to room 3 , about English . waaaaaaa I like this judge, Although I don’t know her name, I wanna say thank you to you Miss . he asked me “hei Ridho, if you chosen as kang kota serang, where is the place that you wanna promote in this city ?” and I answer this “okay, thank you miss, if I chosen as kang kota serang, I will promoted Komplek Banten Lama in kasemen, because many place there like benteng speelwijk, benteng surosowan . that place is so beautiful and they had some story in the past, because of that, I wanna promoted it to Serang people, Indonesian and also people in this world” and she asked me again, “what makes you sure can get away at this audition?” and I answer this “yes I’m sure, because I have an more experience than other because I had ever follow the KN 1 , but I’m failed miss, so I wanna try try try and try again in order I can get away in this competition”. “okay ridho, nice answer, I hope you can get away in this compt” thank you miss”.
And next, I enter to room 1 , about knowledge . in this room, its not like an audition but like a conversation in your daily life, he just askes me “where is your house? , what is your father’s job ? where is your school ? and that’s all . huuufh, but Alhamdulillah I can answer his question .
Finally, it’s time to enter the last room, that is room 5 ! about TALENT ! huh ! I’m so nervous guys, but my friend and I do that test in evening about 7 p.m, in order all the participant gone from the place of audition. Haha I’m cunning . before performance by read poem, I do prayer maghrib with my friend . I pray “ya Allah, please bless me in this last test I hope I can give the best performance in the stage”.
After that, me and lucky, my friend go up to the stage . I’M SO NERVOUUUUUUSSSS !!! but I must doing the last test to make it complete . me and lucky read a poem too . Lucky first, he so confidence to read his poem , after that, this is my turn guys ! bismilahirrahmanirrahim, I read my poem slowly . by the style “alay” , no problem . Alhamdulillah, I can pass the talent test . at 8 p.m I go home and always pray to my god in order I van get away in this competition . wish me luck guys !
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Audition Of Kang Nong Kota Serang 2010
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