Thursday, June 17, 2010

Audition Of Kang Nong Kota Serang 2010

Asaalamualaikum warrahmatullahiwabarakatuh .

Hey guys, I wanna tell you about my ‘freak’ story . haha . If you read this post , this post is different than other post, why ? haha you know, I wrote on English !
To make it short, I wanna tell you about KANG NONG KOTA SERANG .
Okay ! Read this post slowly .
Last month I’m follow auditions of kang nong kota Serang, actually I don’t wanna follow it, but my teacher come to my class and order me to follow it . Finally I follow it with all my schoolmate. Actually I had ever follow that audition on KANG NONG 1 on 2009 . But I’m failed guys . Because of that I wanna try again to follow it . I don’t know why, I’m so nervous to follow this second audition . Errrrrrr . Before audition, my friend and I often collected on my school to talking about material for the audition, that material was given by Sodikin (Finalist of KN 1) . he gave us all his material when he quarantine. Thanks a lot Dikin !

Sunday, May 16th 2010

Oh Gosh ! that day Comes ! yap AUDITION OF KANG NONG KOTA SERANG . I’m so nervous guys . I come to audition place with my friend by motorcycle, but he not feel nervous . he is so ready to follow that . but me ? No ! I’m not ready . I’m enter to that place . and I’m forget to prepare my talent ! OH GOSH ! I’m panic . okay I have an idea . but ? whats my talent ! okay, I decided to read a poem (sounds ridiculous) . I searching that poem in my handphone in internet . but what that poem ? I choose chairil anwar’s poem the tittle is Diponegoro . okay, on 9 a.m, the audition was began, the first audition is written test , there were 100 number, 50 number about culture, administration, custom, knowledge . and 50 number about English grammar . By saying bismillahirrahmanirrahim, I started to do my test, I can answer number 1 – 30 , but next ? I’m give up !! it’s really difficult guys . when I do my test about English, suddenly the rain was fall . we moved to another side automatically . and of course, our clothes is wet ! errgh and my test paper is wet too. But Alhamdulillah, I can answer this completely . after the written test, it’s time to interview . there are 5 judge in some room . and we must come to that room one by one . I don’t know why, my friend and I’m so lazy to do this second test, we make a deal to do this after dhuhur . after we doing prayer at mosque, we start to do this second test . Firstly, I come to room 2 about tourism, the interviewr is Mr. Toto , he is so friendly with other and hhe asked me what is the tourism place in Serang city ? please answer this in 1 minute . and Alhamdulillah I can answer that question by on time . and next I’m waited in a chair , I want come to room 4, about administration . the interviewer is Mr. Bembela he is so horror ! hahaha, just kidding, he is so politis . and I CAN’T ANSWER HIS QUESTION ! he asked me “are you agree if TPS Cilowong placed in high plain ?” I don’t know, and I just answer “yes I’m agree and blablabla . I’m forget what I said . ahahahahaha . and next I must wait again to enter to room 3 , about English . waaaaaaa I like this judge, Although I don’t know her name, I wanna say thank you to you Miss . he asked me “hei Ridho, if you chosen as kang kota serang, where is the place that you wanna promote in this city ?” and I answer this “okay, thank you miss, if I chosen as kang kota serang, I will promoted Komplek Banten Lama in kasemen, because many place there like benteng speelwijk, benteng surosowan . that place is so beautiful and they had some story in the past, because of that, I wanna promoted it to Serang people, Indonesian and also people in this world” and she asked me again, “what makes you sure can get away at this audition?” and I answer this “yes I’m sure, because I have an more experience than other because I had ever follow the KN 1 , but I’m failed miss, so I wanna try try try and try again in order I can get away in this competition”. “okay ridho, nice answer, I hope you can get away in this compt” thank you miss”.
And next, I enter to room 1 , about knowledge . in this room, its not like an audition but like a conversation in your daily life, he just askes me “where is your house? , what is your father’s job ? where is your school ? and that’s all . huuufh, but Alhamdulillah I can answer his question .
Finally, it’s time to enter the last room, that is room 5 ! about TALENT ! huh ! I’m so nervous guys, but my friend and I do that test in evening about 7 p.m, in order all the participant gone from the place of audition. Haha I’m cunning . before performance by read poem, I do prayer maghrib with my friend . I pray “ya Allah, please bless me in this last test I hope I can give the best performance in the stage”.
After that, me and lucky, my friend go up to the stage . I’M SO NERVOUUUUUUSSSS !!! but I must doing the last test to make it complete . me and lucky read a poem too . Lucky first, he so confidence to read his poem , after that, this is my turn guys ! bismilahirrahmanirrahim, I read my poem slowly . by the style “alay” , no problem . Alhamdulillah, I can pass the talent test . at 8 p.m I go home and always pray to my god in order I van get away in this competition . wish me luck guys !

Thursday, June 3, 2010


Hey guys … udah lama nih gue ga ngepost di blog ini . biasalah facebook lagi rame, jadi kemaren kemaren focus di facebook . oiyah ! kali ini gue mau ngebagi cerita soal sekolah gue pas hari sabtu tanggal 28 Mei 2010 . dimana gue jadi Fotografer sehari . sebelumnya gue mau nyeritain awal gue bisa jadi fotografer sehari . pada awalnya tepatnya hari kamis pagi tanggal 26 Mei 2010, gue lagi ngobrol  sama temen gue yang bernama Nchut n Ambar . gue lupa kita ngomongin apa gitu . tau tau si Nchut ngomong gini “ndho, besok sabtu mau ada pertandingan futsal di sekolah . namanya TSC (Telkomsel School Community) nah, kita butuh fotografer gitu . lo mau ga ? ntar lo pake DSLR gue . kan hasil foto lo lumayan lah”. Dan pada saat itu jug ague langsung bilang “MAU” . okeh gue otomatis langsung dapet job buat jadi potograper . gue ga sendirian, gue ditemenin sama Utha, ade kelas gue . akhirnya, sabtu pun tiba . malemnya, Nchut sms gue kalo pas sabtu besok pake baju putih abu – abu + rompi biar sama kaya anak OSIS .

Paginya gue langsung pake baju yang udah Nchut suruh . gue rada malu juga sih pas di jalan, yaiyalah malu , gue kaya naka calang, yang lain pake pramuka, eh Cuma gue yang pake baju yang harusnya di pake hari senin itu . KECEMASAN gue mulai MENINGKAT pas gue berangkat ke sekolah !  gue berharap ada anak SMAN 2 (anak OSIS) yang pake baju berompi kaya gue . TERNYATA GA ADA ! gue udah keringet dingin ! dalam hati gue “loh ko di jalan ga ada satu pun anak OSIS yang pake berompi sih?” gue terus nanya terus gue ngomong “MAMPUS GUE ! GA ADA YANG BEROMPI” terus pas di kebon jahe gue seangkot sama temen gue . terus dia nanya : “loh ko pake baju itu dho ?” gue : “iah nih ada job gitu disuruh Nchut” terus gue nanya ke temen gue yang bernama Panji yang tak lain adalah tetangga gue sendiri . “eh gin, ko yang pake rompi Cuma gue yah ? masa sih segitu banyaknya anak OSIS gada yang pake berompi selain gue ? jangan jangan ntar gue di skolah Cuma gue yang pake baju ini” dia bukannya nenangin gue mlah bikin gue nambah CEMAS ! “hayoh loh dho ! calang lo “ gue Cuma bisa nunduk malu dan berharap ada orang yang pake baju yang sama kaaya gue walopun Cuma seorang !.
Akhirnya pas sampe di sekolah gue ngeliat cewek  pake BAJU YANG SAMA KAYA GUE !! gue seneng ! akhirnya gue ga CALANG !! HAHAHHAHHHHAHAHAH

Yaudah deh . gue langsung nemuin Nchut n dia langsung ngasih DSLR nya ke gue .tapi si utha ga pake baju yang sama kaya gue . yaaaaah jadi ga kompak deh ! yaudah kita kerjasama untuk take picture di sekitar sekolah . dan ini dia hasilnyaaaaaa … TARAAA


naaah itu dia poto potonyaaa . ngambilnya pas waktunya lagi puanaaaaas banget . tapi tetep semangat laaah . hahahaaa . ini kebanyakan poto potonya naka ipa5 sama ipa6 . banyak yang ngerequest suruh upload pulaaa . haha . sorry yah yang ga sempet gue upload potonya ke facebook . lain waktu ntar gue upload deh insya Allah . doain ajjjah .. ahahahaha
udah dulu guys !
see you later ...

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

ini dia hasilnyaaa .