Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Cartoon is Real, sometimes.....

                  Have you ever watched Seahorse episode in Spongebob Squarepants the series ? I would like to remind you about it. In a sunday morning, spongebob walked to his field. He found a flowers blossom beautifully. He flushed it slowly. but when he left to take a look his behind, something came to him and he found a big-green seahorse. in that time, he was scares for a while. but he considered to make that seahorse felt comfortable in his close by. 

                 He wished that seahorse to be his own. he really-really wanted, no matter what. and he was trying with his capability to have it. finally, he got what he wanted and all flowers suddenly fall to land. How happy he is!

              One day, he brought his pet to Krusty Krab because spongebob working as a chef in that restaurant. he introduced his pet to another employees. But Mr Krab doesn't like that seahorse anymore, spongebob was sad. Mr Krab order him to throw away that seahorse, but spongebob won't. He asked Mr Krab to give him one more chance and prove that The Seahorse would never disturb anything, but the situation is getting uncontrolably. The Seahorse ate anything in the kitchen and made the kitchen disarray. spongebob confused. He tried to hide what just happened in that day. one day, the seahorse was getting sick. Then, Mr Krab came. He gave some advice that he should let it go because the seahorse could not survive in this environment. 

               Mr Krab said "The best way to make it feel better and happy is Let them go". Spongebob was crying loudly utill his eyedrops flooding the land. 

                 Could you imagine how sad he is ? but it's gonna be the best way he should do even the Seahorse and he never ever want.


Saturday, November 17, 2012

Let's go to the beach, each let's go get away .....

hello readers, Im back to tell one of several experience I've ever had in this town. two weeks ago we went to the beach for short holiday. I’d like to share what and my friends did in the short holiday..... yeah we went to the beach ! one of most favourite place to visit in Jogjakarta. We went to Baron beach and Pok tunggal beach. You know ? Pok tunggal beach is the newest beach in Jogjakarta. So excited to see them :D we started from FTP at 7 a.m and arrived at about 9 a.m. we went there by motorcycle. As you saw us, we such a swarm people riding the motorcycle. When we got there at pok tunggal beach, the track is so grave. It show that this beach is really-really new.here I took some photos :D

so much fun ! thank you guys, really excited to follow next tour, Semarang is the next place to visit :D


Thursday, November 15, 2012

Hello ..... Happy heroes day ..... happy 2nd anniversarry .....

happy heroes day everyone ! I don't know that day details (you know I got bad score on my history lesson ) but I just know that heroes day is always commemorated on 10 November. What can you give to your country on your age now ? achievement ? applause ? Im sorry but I didn't both of them. perhaps we can give it someday and insya Allah Im in the right way, in a proccess to prove that this country are proud to have me someday hehe..... by the way Im forget to introduce my girlfriend to you, her name is Noviani Khusnul Khotimah, she's beautiful and pretty cute :p. we made a relationship since 10 september 2012, and you know this day is our 2nd anniversarry hehe.

say cheese !

She really like green ! the snake in the middle of the cake. pretty cute, no ?

gifts :")

the photos you see is a gift from me to her on her birthday at 25 september 2012. I gave suprised to her on the middle of the night hehe hope you like it bebs :")
once more happy heroes day and happy second anniversarry dear :")
P.S I know its 15 november on calender, but ups yaps Im really late to post this -___- forgive me :p